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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  January 17, 2017 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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tonight, breaking news. president obama commutes chelsea manning's sentence. the army private serving 35 years convicted after being accused of leaking classified military secrets. manning, a transgender woman behind bars at a men's military prison. the outrage tonight on capitol hill. the countdown tonight. three days until the inauguration, and this evening, vladimir putin in his own words defending president-elect donald trump. and here at home, the congressional boycott of the inauguration growing. also tonight, mr. trump's pick for health and human services under fire. tom price and his controversial stock buy, and the new report. 18 million americans could lose health insurance in the first year after the repeal. the anger and town meetings. the sisters found 30 years
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later kidnapped from rhode island. discovered in texas. and america's golden girl tonight. the interview with betty white. turning 95 and what she reveals about "the golden girls." good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night, and with three days left before he leaves office, president obama has commuted the prison sentence of chelsea manning. the former army private who gave hundreds of thousands of military documents to wikileaks. manning was an intelligence analyst serving 35 years. the longest sentence ever given for a leak conviction. now manning will soon go free. tonight, reaction is pouring in. the speaker of the house, republican paul ryan saying, manning put american lives at risk, and that the president has set a very dangerous precedent. we begin with abc's chief global affairs correspondent, martha raddatz. >> reporter: she is one of the most controversial prisoners in america and tonight president obama has ordered that
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29-year-old chelsea manning be released in may, cutting short her 35-year sentence. manning burst onto the world stage in 2010 during a deployment to iraq. the low level analyst -- known as bradley manning then -- providing wikileaks with some 700,000 military and diplomatic documents. embarrassing the united states in the eyes of the world. this is one of them -- a secret video manning said showed the "true cost of war." you see u.s. soldiers mistaking a television camera for the enemy. >> nice. good shooting. >> thank you. >> reporter: and firing on a van with two little children inside. >> well, it's their fault for bringing their kids into a battle. >> that's right. >> reporter: manning convicted of espionage, theft and computer fraud in 2013. the 35-year sentence, the longest ever given for a leak conviction. the day after sentencing was
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announced, manning revealed she was transgender and asked to be called chelsea. in a male military prison for seven years, she has tried to commit suicide twice. >> chelsea manning is somebody who went through the military criminal justice process, was exposed to due process, was found guilty, was sentenced for her crimes, and she acknowledged wrongdoing. >> reporter: manning is one of the more than 200 people who were pardoned or whose sentence was commuted -- including general james cartwright, the former vice chairman of the joint chiefs, who had been charged with lying to the fbi about a leak investigation. he was fully pardoned. the white house saying today the president took into account general cartwright's years of service to his country. >> and martha raddatz with us live from washington. i want to get back to chelsea manning for a moment because reaction has been very swift. >> reporter: senator tom cotton and senator john mccain both
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highly critical, and both veterans. mccain saying, president obama's commutation of chelsea manning's sentence is a grave mistake that i fear will encourage further acts of espionage. and undermine military discipline. it also devalues the courage of real whistle blowers who have used proper channels to hold our government accountable. >> does this put pressure on the wikileaks founder, julian assange after what he said last week? >> reporter: last week, kick wikileaks says that if obama grants manning clemency, assange will agree to u.s. extradition despite clear unconstitutionality, but no clear answer tonight. david? >> great to have you. the countdown is on tonight. three days until the inauguration, and tonight, putin in his own words here defending president-elect donald trump. putin also denying that russia collected compromising information on mr. trump when he visited moscow.
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tonight, the white house is striking back, telling our jon karl it sounds like putin got his talking points from the incoming administration. jon karl has the story. >> reporter: rush president vladimir putin took a shot at president obama. saying, quote, despite his convincing victory, the obama administration is trying to quote, undermine the legitimacy of the president-elect. as for the people who leaked unconfirmed reports that russia had been gathering personal information on trump, he said, they are quote, worse than prostitutes. >> he is accusing the obama administration of trying to delegitimize the incoming trump administration. what's your response to vladimir putin? >> first of all, it sounds like he got his copy of the talking points. second -- >> from who? >> i don't know. it sounds like what the incoming administration's team is saying. >> reporter: but today, putin said he is neutral on trump. [ speaking a foreign language ] >> reporter: i don't know mr. trump.
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i have never met him, he said. i have no reason to attack him, criticize him or defend him. in the past, trump has said he once met putin, but more recently, he has said they never met. >> i have no relationship with putin. i don't think i have ever met him. i never met him. >> reporter: while trump has acknowledged the russians hacked the democratic party during the campaign -- >> as far as hacking, i think it was russia. >> reporter: he did it with a hedge. >> but you know what? it could have been others also. >> reporter: and the harsh words aimed at the u.s. intelligence community which he blames for trying to undermine him with leaks. >> i think it's a disgrace, and i say that -- and i say that. that's something that nazi germany would have done and did do. >> reporter: later, he specifically pointed the finger at outgoing cia director, john brennan. today, brennan fired back. saying to "the wall street journal," quote, tell the cia officers who are serving in harm's way right now and their families that are worried about them that they are kin to nazi germany. i find that to be very repugnant.
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>> jon karl live at the white house tonight. the white house answering your questions, calling them talking points. they weighed in on the escalated battle between the president and the cia director you just reported there. >> reporter: they hit him hard over that for questioning his integrity. the press secretary said, frankly, i'm offended by it. >> jon karl with us. thank you. on capitol hill this evening. the showdown over one of the president-elect's key choices for his cabinet. health and human services nominee, tom price under fire for stock trades before publicly supporting legislation connected to them. did his move violate ethics rules? outrage growing in town meetings in this country. millions of americans wondering what will happen to their health insurance. amid a new nonpartisan report that 18 million americans could lose their insurance without a replacement in the first year after obamacare is repealed. abc's mary bruce back on the hill tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a showdown
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is brewing over the man trump has picked to lead the charge and replace obamacare. on the eve of his first big test, questions are growing about congressman tom price. trump's nominee for hhs secretary. after he purchased up to $15,000 in stock in a medical device company, and then just days later introduced a bill that you would have benefitted that same company. a stock purchase the team says was made by an independent broker without price's knowledge. >> if he knew about it, it could very well be a violation of the law. >> reporter: price, a former surgeon is one of the only republicans to put forth legislation to replace obamacare. but according to a new report from the independent congressional budget office, 18 million americans could lose their coverage in the first year unless an alternative is put in
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place. republicans are pushing back. >> it's an obsolete recommendation. >> you have no concrete plan for replacement. >> of course, we will have a plan for replacement. >> reporter: the president-elect says he is close to completing a plan to provide insurance for everybody, but he hasn't provided any details. across the country, signs of uncertainty. in colorado, a meeting with congressman mike kaufman overrun by constituents voicing their concerns. >> i am here because i have concerns about the repealing of the affordable care act. >> and mary bruce with us from the hill. all this coming as tom price said to be grilled by lawmakers tomorrow even as they call for these hearings to be delayed a bit. >> reporter: three democratic senators want these hearings to be put on hold until they can resolve these questions about price's finances, but as of now, that first hearing still ago for tomorrow morning, david. >> you will be there. mary bruce, thank you. despite the fireworks, preparations for the inauguration are under way. stand-ins for the president-elect and next first lady already practicing these last few days. and tonight what we are learning about the inauguration right down to the two bibles.
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as growing numbers of congress say they are going to boycott the inauguration. abc's cecilia vega in washington tonight. >> reporter: in the nation's capital tonight, the finishing touches. ♪ from sound checks to paint touch ups. donald trump tweeting today -- "people are pouring into washington in record numbers. bikers for trump are on their way." at least 800,000 people expected right here, and this is where it all happens. he'll be sworn in using two bibles -- the one his mother gave him as a child and the one abraham lincoln used. barack obama, the only other president to use that book since lincoln himself. the president-elect practicing his inaugural address with a teleprompter and a presidential podium, specially flown to new york for rehearsals. ♪ the lineup, short on a-listers. a runner up on "america's got talent" will be there. ♪ hallelujah hallelujah the mormon tabernacle choir, too.
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the day also short on congressional democrats. one in four say they're boycotting, led by congressman john lewis. >> i don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. i think the russians participated in helping this man get elected. and they helped destroy the candidacy of hillary clinton. >> reporter: the president and the civil rights hero feuding for days. today trump pointing out that though lewis says he has never missed an inauguration that he actually skipped george w. bush's swearing in as well. >> he conveniently doesn't remember. how do you forget if you go to an inauguration? i can tell you when i was at the inaugurations, you don't forget something like that. so he got caught, and it's pretty bad. and it's making him look bad, frankly. >> reporter: trump is taking office as our abc news/"washington post" poll shows only 40% of americans approve of how he's handling his transition.
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that's 30 points lower than his last three predecessors. protestors now traveling to washington for the inauguration, and as many as 400,000 will be on hand for a women's march the day after trump is sworn in. >> everyone is welcome to march, no matter your age, your gender identity or how you chose to vote. >> reporter: and they are posting images of their homemade signs online. the demonstrations expected around the country, with the historic inauguration just days away. >> and cecilia vega with us live from washington tonight. where the president-elect donald trump is already there to kick off the inaugural festivities. >> reporter: it happens soon, david. donald trump, mike pence and about 200 foreign diplomats all here for a black tie gala. this will be the first chance for many in this foreign diplomatic community to meet its incoming administration for the first time, david. >> see you in washington, cecilia. in the meantime, stay with abc news for live coverage of the inauguration beginning at 7:00 a.m. eastern on "good
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morning america," and stay tuned for a special edition of "world news tonight" and "20/20." we move onto another announcement from general motors. investing a billion dollars in u.s. manufacturing, saving and adding thousands of jobs. we ask this tonight. was it because of president-elect trump or was it already in the works and good timing for these automakers? here's abc's chief business correspondent, rebecca jarvis. >> reporter: he's been heaping praise on automakers, adding jobs in the u.s., and turning up the pressure on those who haven't. >> i appreciate that from ford. i appreciate it very much from fiat-chrysler. i hope that general motors will be following. and i think they will be. >> reporter: today, gm did -- announcing it is investing "$1 billion" in new "u.s. manufacturing" and creating or retaining 7,000 u.s. jobs. 5,000 salaried and white collar positions in finance and advanced technology. 1,500 in factories. and another 450 including "work
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previously done in mexico." gm ceo mary barra hinting at the move last week. >> i think there is room to make some changes that are going to make it -- improve it and make it more equitable across the globe. >> reporter: on twitter today, trump celebrating -- "with all of the jobs i am bringing back into the u.s. even before taking office, i believe the people are seeing 'big stuff.'" a gm executive telling abc news the decisions were made "well in advance" and not in response to trump's criticism. but that, "there's no question there is an emphasis on job creation in the u.s. right now. this is good timing for us to share what we are doing." gm is still moving ahead with plans to build some compact cars in mexico. since trump won the white house, six companies have pledged to create more than 116,000 jobs here in the united states. relief for so many families. but big picture, the economy has been adding jobs for six years. 2.2 million last year alone. >> and saving these additional
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jobs is good news no matter how you look at it. let's get to rebecca because boeing is also in the news meeting with the president-elect. >> of course, president-elect donald trump had been very critical of boeing for the cost of air force one. the ceo today saying it was an excellent conversation. they made progress on air force one, but even if plans move forward, it's unlikely trump would fly on it given how long these take to make. even if he had a second term. >> wouldn't be ready in eight years. >> exactly. >> rebecca, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. the missing sisters kidnapped from their home. found more than 30 years later. tonight they were missing in rhode island. how they have been found in texas. and new reporting on the tip that led authorities right to them. also this sinkhole opening up beneath an 18-wheeler, and the entire rig almost swallowed whole. and the golden girl. betty white turning 95 years young tonight, and what she is revealing here about an american favorite, "the golden girls." ♪
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next tonight here, authorities who say two sisters were found alive more than 30 years after being kidnapped. the girls growing up nearly 2,000 miles from home, living under different names. here's abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: for three decades plus, the fate of these two sisters was a mystery. simulated aging photos showed what they might look like today. but tonight, kelly and kimberly yates have been found. their mother elaine yates, in jail. police say back in 1985, during a nasty divorce and custody battle, she fled rhode island with the girls -- and vanished. but a few weeks ago, a tip led investigators to texas. >> days before christmas this year, members of our crime team received information that elaine yates was living in houston, texas under an alias name. >> reporter: court documents show that over the years, elaine yates changed her name at least twice. police say kelly and kimberley now have families of their own. they haven't seen their father since they were allegedly taken. >> i have always been trying to find my children and now at least it is up to them to get in touch with me.
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what happens with my ex-wife, i really feel bad about, but we got to find out what is going on. >> reporter: elaine yates is already on her way back to rhode island. she will be in court tomorrow facing charges of child snatching. david. >> clayton sandell with us tonight. clayton, thank you. when we comet back, a army veteran that pulled out that gun. he is going to court, and we'll see that coming up. and the sinkhole swallowing up a major ring there tonight. and evacuating the antarctic. the crack in the ice 27 miles long, and authorities say it's growing tonight. dozens of scientists told to pack up and get out of town. it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms.
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walking through the airport and pulling out the weapon. then firing. five people were killed. in georgia tonight, the ground opening up in a parking lot right under a big rig. the front end of the cab sticking up in the air. the hole was about 20 feet wide and 10 feet deep. the driver escaping unhurt. evacuating of the antarctic tonight apart at least. a giant crack in the ice forcing 90 people to abandon their research station. it is 27 miles long and growing, and ten miles from the base. there is concern the ice could break off leaving the base adrift on this iceberg. and the family soon on the move. the moving vans have been spotted outside the washington, d.c. home. they have rented it for at least the next two years so sasha can finish high school, and after the inauguration, president obama is keeping a promise to his family. taking them on vacation someplace warm, and it will be palm springs, california. when we come back tonight, america's gold. girl. the interview with betty white. what she is revealing about that favorite sitcom of ours as she turns 95.
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fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is. finally tonight, for decades she has been america's golden girl. tonight, betty white turns 95. here's linsey davis. >> reporter: still spunky, sassy and spry. >> aw, come on, man. you've been ridin' me all day! >> reporter: actress and comedian betty white turns 95 years young today and in an interview with yahoo! described herself this way. >> i am the luckiest old broad on tv. >> reporter: credited as the first woman to produce a sitcom -- ♪ it's a good day for singing a song ♪ >> reporter: she makes sitcoms sing, most notably as rose on "the golden girls." >> my mother always used to say, "the older you get, the better
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you get, unless you're a banana." >> reporter: after working in hollywood for more than 75 years, white is still making us laugh. she says she would even be up for a "golden girls" remake. >> at 95, i'm sure they would want me. >> reporter: she is a dog-lover, and work aholick. she has no plans to retire any time soon. >> the fact that i'm still working, that's the thing i'm most grateful for. >> reporter: happy birthday to a bona fide golden girl. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> she is grateful and we're grateful to have her. happy birthday, betty white. thanks for watching. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. good night.
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new at 6:00, live in the community that could have its only road cut off after the next series of storms which starts tomorrow. >> and tonight, find out why b.a.r.t. says being courteous is making its escalators break down. plus -- >> joy of science that we have needs to be shared. >> discovery by citizens scientists thanks to the low-cost tools designed bay stanford professor. take a moment to appreciate what you see. this clear and calm view from the roof of our abc 7 news studio is about to change and you can already see the next storm arriving. there it is. on live doppler 7. here we go again. good evening. >> after a few dry days we are facing almost a full week of rain starting tomorrow and some areas still haven't recovered from last week's rain. >> we have live team coverage at the hardest hit areas, on how
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people are preparing for the next several days. drew? >>. >> reporter: dan, we are now seeing that storm start to end on shore, ending our period of dry weather and series of storms over the next several days. on top of the job tonight, you notice live doppler 7 right over the immediate bay area, we are dry at this moment. but just north of clover dale, north of ukiah, that is where the rain is located right now. over the past three hours, showing you, this is just the initial line of moisture, heaviest impacts still about 12 to 18 hours away. on the storm impact scale, it is get you into wednesday. this is a moderate torm, starting off with ice and showers in the morning and really ramping up in the evening with heavy rain and very strong winds. some concerns that we have tomorrow, power outages certainly a high concern with those winds whipping especially in the evening. tomorrow evening's rush is a slow-go. heavy rain means ponding on roadwaye


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